
Sen. Whitehouse Thanks CCLers for Carbon Pricing Advocacy

A short message to all CCLers

Later the same day, Sen. Whitehouse did a “Fireside Chat” on Carbon Pricing with the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. (It’s the first 35 minutes of a longer program.)   It’s a detailed discussion about the elements of carbon pricing that will be needed (namely carbon pricing,  environmental justice and transition assistance to “energy veterans” like coal miners).   He talks about resistance from the US Chamber of Commerce, trade associations and “dark money” lurking (and frightening Republicans).   Beware of “false friends!”    Other highlights:

  • Border Carbon Adjustment – technical issues (what’s the base?), parliamentarian issues (may not survive for Reconciliation).
  • Clean Energy Standard – they are supplementary plans … and it may save some public dollars
  • Is Environmental Justice hostile to carbon pricing?  No, it is eminently reconcilable politically

Here is the full program.  (Senator Whitehouse is the first 35 minutes.)




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