Greenhouse Effect Known As Early as 1912
These 1912 articles said “[burning coal] is adding 7 billion tons of CO2 yearly. This makes the air a more effective blanket for the earth and will raise its temperatures.” 1912!!
These 1912 articles said “[burning coal] is adding 7 billion tons of CO2 yearly. This makes the air a more effective blanket for the earth and will raise its temperatures.” 1912!!
This is a major development. Here’s a summary of links to the report itself, FAQs and what other people are saying.
Research reported in the Global Change Biology journal predicts that 2/3rds of the penguins will be gone by 2050, and 98% by 2100.
Scientists expected methane from thawing permafrost. What they found is ‘much more dangerous’ — the 2020 heatwave unleashed methane emissions from prehistoric limestone in two 375-mile long areas.