Public Policy

New Rhodium Report Shows GHG Declines based on Policy Choices

New Rhodium Report Shows GHG Declines based on Policy Choices

Rhodium Group has a new report out, Taking Stock 2024: US Energy and Emissions Outlook. Consistent with other analyses, they anticipate that US climate pollution will reach 32–43% below 2005 levels by 2030 based on current policies. Rhodium concludes:

“Developers face challenges with long interconnection queues, increasing local opposition to installations, onerous siting and permitting processes, lack of sufficient transmission capacity, continued supply chain constraints, and inflation … [rapid clean energy deployment] will not happen without additional policy action to overcome the non-cost barriers facing clean electricity deployment today, such as siting and permitting, interconnection, and supply chain challenges.”

nuclear cooling tower with steam emitting from top

Congress Passes the ADVANCE Act

After more than a year of negotiations, Congress approved the ADVANCE Act (Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy) yesterday, and sent it to President Biden for signature. 

The bill will give the Nuclear Regulatory Commission more flexibility to hire the staff it needs for a vastly increased pace of license applications. It will reduce fees for some applicants, require more timely processing of applications, facilitate licensing at retiring coal plants, and require work by the NRC to facilitate the export of advanced reactor technology.

DOE Awards $6 Billion for Green Steel, Cement, Aluminum and other industrial processes

DOE Awards $6 Billion for Green Steel, Cement, Aluminum and other industrial processes

The industrial sector is responsible for over 25% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US. The 33 projects funded here might demonstrate viable fast pathways to decarbonize these notoriously hard-to-decarbonize sector: cement, alumninum, steel, pastics and a broad range of industrial processes that require heat and sometimes chemistries that create CO2 directly.

EV Adoption Is Going Well. Renewable Energy Deployment, Not So Much

EV Adoption Is Going Well. Renewable Energy Deployment, Not So Much

When the Inflation Reduction Act was becoming law in 2022, some of the country’s leading energy researchers predicted a cut of 37 percent to 42 percent by 2030 compared to the level in 2005, in line with the Biden administration’s stated goal of reducing emissions by 40 percent by 2030. So how are things going 18 months after President Biden signed the IRA? And why?

Pope Francis urges rich countries to step up before U.N. climate talks

Pope Francis urges rich countries to step up before U.N. climate talks

Unlike his 2015 environmental encyclical, Laudato Si’, in which he scolded climate “deniers” and called for an “ecological conversion” among the faithful, the new document seeks to influence the next U.N. Climate Change Conference

It specifically calls on the United States and other wealthy countries to do more to help poor nations, which have contributed least to the climate crisis, before the COP28 talks in Dubai next month.

IRA Also Drives GLOBAL Reduction in GHGs

IRA Also Drives GLOBAL Reduction in GHGs

By that test, the IRA passes with flying colors, according to an innovative new study by the Rhodium Group. Over the course of many decades, it finds that “for every ton of CO2 reduced within the US, an additional 2.4-2.9 tons of CO2 emissions reductions are achieved outside the US, thanks to IRA-driven cost reductions in the “green premium” of [emerging climate technologies] globally.”

FTC seeks comment on new “greenwashing” rules

FTC seeks comment on new “greenwashing” rules

The Federal Trade Commission is soliciting public comments on its “Green Guides,” which seek to prevent companies from making deceptive environmental claims. If adopted, corporations could be barred from making misleading claims about everything from carbon offsets to composting — or risk fighting legal battles and paying steep fines.

Nations agree on ‘world-changing’ deal to protect ocean life

Nations agree on ‘world-changing’ deal to protect ocean life

More than 190 countries have reached a landmark deal for protecting the biodiversity of the world’s oceans, agreeing for the first time on a common framework for establishing new protected areas in international waters. The treaty, whose text was finalized Saturday night by diplomats at the U.N. headquarters after […]