
Sen. Cortez-Masto pressing Dems on mining

Sen. Cortez-Masto pressing Dems on mining

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) has a message for her Democratic colleagues: If they want to accelerate the nation’s shift to clean energy, they should embrace mining for critical minerals instead of worrying about environmental consequences. [Reminder: Nevada has North America’s only lithium mine and the largest potential lithium resources in the world.]

The Working Class Isn’t Down with the Green Transition

The Working Class Isn’t Down with the Green Transition

[Following summary of recent poll results, the author concludes] you cannot get the working class to support a clean energy transition unless it becomes more of a crusade for abundant, cheap, reliable energy and less about the cultural commitment of college-educated Democrats to an economy built around wind, solar, and electric vehicles no matter the cost.

installing solar panels on rooftop of house

Krugman: The Promise and Peril of Biden’s Climate Policy

Well, there are two important reasons to believe that Biden’s climate policy may be a much bigger deal than the numbers might suggest. But there are also reasons to worry that the policy may fall short, not because the spending is inadequate, but because of one crucial limiting factor: an inadequate power grid. [Great economic numbers here, too.]

The gas industry is under fire. It’s hiring Democratic politicians to help.

The gas industry is under fire. It’s hiring Democratic politicians to help.

Gas companies have enlisted prominent Democrats to convince liberal voters that the fuel is climate-friendly, documents show. …What she didn’t mention, however, is that the nonprofit group was created by a half-dozen gas companies, with the explicit goal of convincing Democratic voters that gas is a “clean” energy source.

factory and windmill

Bill Gates: this is a Remarkable Moment for Congress and the Country

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 may be the single most important piece of climate legislation in American history. It represents our best chance to build an energy future … . Although it appears the legislation will pass, success is not guaranteed, so it’s critical to keep pushing for it. Let me explain why.