The Sustainable Industrial Revolution Is Just Getting Started
These “hard to abate” sectors are transforming to low- and no-carbon outputs. (Imagine how much faster, better, bigger and cheaper it would be with carbon fee and dividend.)
These “hard to abate” sectors are transforming to low- and no-carbon outputs. (Imagine how much faster, better, bigger and cheaper it would be with carbon fee and dividend.)
The Russian Hill hotel will offset “100% of the emissions from all our hotel activities.” Guests can opt-in to offset the carbon costs of their trip.
Day 3 at COP 26 was all about how to finance the coming energy transition. The good news: pledges were $130 TRILLION!
Nobel prize (Economist) William Nordhaus: The single most important step to achieve climate objectives is to put a market price on the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
New research from CCL, RMI and NREL shows that ALL 4 of Nevada’s Congressional Districts benefit economically from clean energy buildout. Liaisons take note: State-level and district-level reports available in the story.
The future is coming forward and insurance carriers are now charging for it. Is this a wake up call for those Cautious about climate?
Reportedly, this is a billion-dollar fund initially focusing on direct air capture, green hydrogen, long-duration energy storage, and sustainable aviation fuel.
* 128 investment groups with $43 TRILLION in assets have committed to net-zero-by-2050 / 1.5oC max warming.
* Harvard divests from fossil fuels companies.
* Janet Yellen may regulate lending to fossil fuel companies.
* “ESG” disclosures may be mandated by the SEC.
Aviation is a sector very difficult to decarbonize. This article details why, and what solutions might be possible.
A lot of smaller places don’t have the money to rebuild. The losses will be permanent .,. and will compound, disrupting people, jobs … lives. Here’s a case study.
This powerful Scientific American Opinion piece deserves max social media love. Please copy the link and share on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or other feed.
The new technologies we need will come from R&D and venture-capital funding to create prototypes and “proof of concept” demonstrations. This proposed federal program will support the next stage of financing.