Climate Change Poses a Widening Threat to National Security
The Homeland Security, Defense Department and CIA collectively communicated the climate risks they face.
The Homeland Security, Defense Department and CIA collectively communicated the climate risks they face.
Owing to climate system momentum and 40 years of failed GHG reductions, things are much worse than known. We’ve passed some tipping points, but new ones loom before 2025 that are geometric, not linear.
Check out these great summaries and graphs on progress in cement, steel, aviation, food and other “hard to abate” sectors. Imagine the innovation unleashed with a bit of incentive from carbon pricing~
The future is clear to see in bathtub rings. We need to keep it visible to Influencers and our MOCs
The future is coming forward and insurance carriers are now charging for it. Is this a wake up call for those Cautious about climate?
“The discoveries being recognized this year demonstrate that our knowledge about the climate rests on a solid scientific foundation.” This is the first time the Physics prize has been awarded specifically to a climate scientist.
Harvard professor of applied physics and of public policy, and co-founder of a carbon-capture-sequestration (CCS) company,, lays out the case for geoengineering plus CCS to avert the worst impacts of the coming heat.
New federal flood insurance rates that better reflect the real risks of climate change are coming.
A new Pew Research Center survey in 17 advanced economies finds widespread concern about climate change. Upwards of 80% say they are willing to change how they live and work to combat global warming.
This NSF paper explains why Arctic warming drives crazy winter weather in the US. Do you understand “Polar Vortex”?