Rep. Susie Lee Co-Sponsors Permitting Reform for Geothermal

December 20, 2023  |  Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Reps. Michelle Steel (R-CA) and Susie Lee (D-NV) introduced bipartisan legislation to expedite the development of geothermal energy.

“In California, energy prices continue to skyrocket across the board, but doesn’t have to be this way,” said Steel. “This legislation will help unleash American energy independence by ensuring a more sustainable, clean, reliable energy source can be more easily developed in the United States. Geothermal energy production, an important part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy, can boost the economies of cities and small towns alike by creating more jobs and supporting an already existing energy grid. I am grateful to Rep. Lee for joining me in this commonsense legislation.”

“Nevada is rich in renewable energy sources and geothermal energy plays a big role. This bill cuts through red tape that has been a barrier to the growth of geothermal energy development,” said Lee. “I’m proud to stand with Congresswoman Steel in sponsoring this bill. Sustainability, energy independence, and lower costs for American families can all coexist when Republicans and Democrats work together on common-sense solutions like this.”


Read the full bill here.

This legislation would expedite geothermal development by amending the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to allow for a new categorical exclusion for geothermal under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.

Specifically, it would allow for a categorical exclusion for geothermal drilling in situations where drilling has occurred within the last 5 years or drilling will occur within an area for which an approved environmental document, that considered drilling, was completed pursuant to NEPA within the last 5 years. This will allow for an expedited approval process for certain geothermal projects and mirrors existing categorical exclusion under the NEPA.

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