Forbes Magazine Enthusiastically Backs The EICDA
Here is a well-written explanation of EICDA in the latest Forbes — worth sending to everyone on your outreach list.
Here is a well-written explanation of EICDA in the latest Forbes — worth sending to everyone on your outreach list.
The world must act swiftly on another powerful greenhouse gas, methane, to halt the rise in global temperatures, experts warned.
There are two ways to cut GHGs from heating buildings: 1) Insulate, and 2) Convert all heating to electricity (and the electric grid to clean energy only). This is an insulation innovation.
Soon after Biden released his $2 trillion climate plan, the world’s major oil and gas dialed up their presence on Facebook.
Remember the recent shareholder meeting, where 2 “environmentalist investor candidates” were elected to the Board? Well, it’s having an impact.
Sen. Chris Van Holland wants EPA to impose fees for carbon produced from 2000-2019.
The currents are already at their slowest point in at least 1,600 years, but the new analysis shows they may be nearing a shutdown.
The Polar Portal, a Danish NGO, calculated that enough water melted to cover all of Florida with two inches of water.
A developer is building wind and solar farms in Wyoming that can power 3/4ths of Los Angeles … and the transmission line from there is blocked by a single rancher … and the federal government! How do you chose between two pluses — renewable energy and protecting wildlife?
Research reported in the Global Change Biology journal predicts that 2/3rds of the penguins will be gone by 2050, and 98% by 2100.
Scientists expected methane from thawing permafrost. What they found is ‘much more dangerous’ — the 2020 heatwave unleashed methane emissions from prehistoric limestone in two 375-mile long areas.
This report from the Yale Climate Communications center finds that 31% of Americans would volunteer time to an organization working on climate, but only 6% are active now. Let’s invite them to join our CCL work!