Uranium Seawater Extraction Makes Nuclear Power Completely Renewable

Uranium Seawater Extraction Makes Nuclear Power Completely Renewable

There’s enough uranium dissolved in the oceans to power the world for 100,000 years and more.  The good news is that there’s a known chemical reaction and method for capturing it, albeit at a cost ($200/kg) about twice that of getting U-238 from mining uranium ore on land.  This post summarizes four recent announcements.

A Second Nuclear Age is Upon Us?

A Second Nuclear Age is Upon Us?

New fusion announcements and next-generation fission reactors appear to be viable sooner than expected. (1) See “Microsoft Bets That Fusion Power Is Closer Than Many Think” and (2) Andreesen-Horowitz leads Series B for Radiant Industries (air-cooled, 1-megawatt nuclear reactors, the size of a shipping container). See also Aalo. The promise: non-interruptible, clean power at 3 cents / kwh.