Electrified roads could be the tipping point for EV adoption

Electrified roads could be the tipping point for EV adoption

Detroit’s new roadway is a big step toward a fully electric future. Last week, Detroit became the first American city to install an electrified roadway. While that might sound like something you would definitely not want to drive on, it’s actually a big step toward widespread EV adoption:

Fan Dies at Taylor Swift Concert in Rio’s Extreme Heat

Fan Dies at Taylor Swift Concert in Rio’s Extreme Heat

One fan died and many others fainted at Taylor Swift’s concert on Friday in Rio de Janeiro, where temperatures felt like nearly 140 degrees Fahrenheit, a record for the city, and fans said they struggled to get water. Hours before she was set to take the stage on Saturday night, Ms. Swift announced on social media that the show was being postponed because of the extreme temperatures in Rio.

Join CCL Briefing on Fifth National Climate Report, Dec. 12th

Join CCL Briefing on Fifth National Climate Report, Dec. 12th

The Fifth National Climate Assessment (a report mandated by Congress every 4 years) was released on November 14th. Join CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli for a training that will discuss this latest report at 5 pm Pacific, Dec. 14th, on this Zoom.

Click here to RSVP for a day-of reminder and to dd to your calendar.

Opening Keynote at November National Conference

Opening Keynote at November National Conference

Climate policy has come a long way over the last year! Join Dana Nuccitelli, CCL Research Coordinator, as he shares the latest updates on federal climate legislation and how it paves the way to lower carbon emissions, record clean energy investment, good jobs, and improved infrastructure. Learn how spreading this good climate news is key to our advocacy and outreach.

I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Anymore

I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Anymore

Kate Marvel, a climate scientist at the environmental nonprofit Project Drawdown, was a lead author on the Fifth National Climate Assessment. This letter is must-read for every CCLer who encounters climate grief, frustration, or fatalism. (Join CCLs briefing on the Fifth National Climate Assessment on Dec. 14th, 5pm PST, on Zoom.

In a U.S. First, a Commercial Plant Starts Pulling Carbon From the Air

In a U.S. First, a Commercial Plant Starts Pulling Carbon From the Air

In an open-air warehouse in California’s Central Valley, 40-foot-tall racks hold hundreds of trays filled with a white powder that turns crusty as it absorbs carbon dioxide from the sky. The start-up uses direct air capture, which involves vacuuming greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Making hydrogen from waste plastic could pay for itself

Making hydrogen from waste plastic could pay for itself

From Rice University research: “We converted waste plastics ⎯ including mixed waste plastics that don’t have to be sorted by type or washed ⎯ into high-yield hydrogen gas and high-value graphene. If the produced graphene is sold at only 5% of current market value ⎯ a 95% off sale! ⎯ clean hydrogen could be produced for free.” WOW!

EVs surge past the “tipping point” for production scale economies

EVs surge past the “tipping point” for production scale economies

It took 10 years for the US to sell its first million fully electric vehicles, two years to reach the second million, and just over a year to reach the third. By the time the latest quarter’s figures are tallied up over the next month, the country should be well on its way to a fourth. (Note: great graphs, too.)

Hopeful Note from IEA:  “Mass Manufactured Tech” shows us a path

Hopeful Note from IEA: “Mass Manufactured Tech” shows us a path

The IEA says “mass manufactured technologies” (solar PV, electric cars, residential heat pumps and stationary battery storage) have “standardization and short lead times,” meaning they can be produced by the millions or hundreds of millions. For instance, between 2015 (when the Paris Agreement was signed) and 2022, solar PV added as much capacity as all of Europe’s installed power generation, and heat pump sales increased to  a level “approximately equivalent to the entire residential heating capacity in Russia.”

Pope Francis urges rich countries to step up before U.N. climate talks

Pope Francis urges rich countries to step up before U.N. climate talks

Unlike his 2015 environmental encyclical, Laudato Si’, in which he scolded climate “deniers” and called for an “ecological conversion” among the faithful, the new document seeks to influence the next U.N. Climate Change Conference

It specifically calls on the United States and other wealthy countries to do more to help poor nations, which have contributed least to the climate crisis, before the COP28 talks in Dubai next month.