Other Organizations
Although arranged by Citizens’ Climate Lobby-Las Vegas, this event hosts many different organizations that are concerned about the climate.
If your organization would like to be included, we would love to have you!
What do you get?
Exposure. Our event-promotions team is publicizing this event broadly. Surveys show that Americans are increasingly concerned about climate change, and they want to take action. They say they haven’t gotten active because a) they don’t know how, and b) no one has asked them to help! We will invite them to attend this informational event with no strings attached. We hope they engage with you and your group; you might be a fit for their interests.
Tabling. We will provide a table along one edge of the ballroom where the event is housed. There you can meet with visitors and provide them with information about your organization. You are welcome to staff the table with members who can answer questions. Banners, handouts, sign-up clipboards … you know what “tabling” is!
Energizing. By inviting your members, you will expose them to each other and to other people (members of CCL or other organizations) who are interested or active in climate action or advocacy. Seeing that you are not alone — and meeting with others share the concern for climate — that only can help energize your members, regardless of their current level of involvement in your work.
Brief Talks. Our image of the event is mostly that of a fair, where people can wander, peruse the information provided by Participating Organizations and meet/talk/listen to others. That said, we have invited the Members of Congress and key VIPs to speak briefly.
Influence. We have invited our local Members of Congress, along with state and local leaders and members of the Southern Nevada press. We will introduce these Members of Congress and VIPs to you, as a “Participating Organizations,”
Last, but not least, you get our undying gratitude for the work you are doing … and anything you can do to make this event a success!
What are our requests?
So, what are we asking from you? At a minimum, help us promote the event. And to the extent you can participate (as defined more below), please do that. (If you can’t participate, please at least help with promotion.)
Here are some suggested texts and links you can copy/paste/edit to help promote this event.
- Post an announcement of the event on your website, if you have one.
- Include the announcement (and link to the event) in your newsletter(s) or via email.
- If you have Facebook, Twitter or other social media account, please announce the event there.
- Allow us to list you on the event website (in a footer showing “Participating Organizations.”) This footer will “go live” showing all the Participating Organizations on March 31, so please say “OK” before then.
- Let us know if you are going to “table” or not.
- Indicate the contact person authorized to speak for your group. (If the media want to talk with your organization, who do they talk to?)
Next Steps
For further information or to indicate your organization’s participation, contact the CCL member who invited you or use our “contact us” tool.