CCL Community Website Walkthrough [Core Volunteer Training]
The “Community” site is getting better all the time. New and even veteran CCL volunteers would benefit from getting an orientation / update on all the resources there and how to find them.
A new page summarizing “everything you wanted to know about Community” has been created; it’s worth a visit, especially the 34-minute webinar, which literally shows you around.
Here is the page itself as of today.
CCL Community Website Walkthrough [Core Volunteer Training]
This training explores the tools and support resources available in CCL Community – Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s online training and resource platform – and highlights avenues for local participation that effectively harness your talent and areas of interest as a CCL volunteer. Toward the end of the training, you’ll have the opportunity to explore your own interest and passions and brainstorm which teams or efforts to become engaged with.
Click the “Start Training” button to begin, or skip ahead to any of the sections by clicking below, including the PDF, and audio and video recordings. Be sure to visit the “Log Your Training” section when you’re done.