Author: Admin

Oil CEOs asked for $1 billion “donation” to presidential campaign

Oil CEOs asked for $1 billion “donation” to presidential campaign

As Donald Trump sat with top oil executives at Mar-a-Lago last month, one executive complained about burdensome environmental regulations. Trump stunned several of the executives: “You all are wealthy enough,” he said, “that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House.” He vowed to reverse dozens of environmental rules and policies

New Rules for Electric Grids Could Boost Wind and Solar

New Rules for Electric Grids Could Boost Wind and Solar

Editor’s Note:This has a bit of “nerdy” detail, but it pretty accessible, I think.

CCL doesn’t lobby executive orders or regulatory rules. We only lobby legislation. So, none of this is directly applicable to today. But is really good background information about the state of the grid, the backlog of clean energy projects that slow grid upgrades are impeding and the issues involved in speeding things up — primarily deciding “who pays.”

Building energy infrastructure: Brookings CEPR Event, May 22

Building energy infrastructure: Brookings CEPR Event, May 22

The Hamilton Project (THP) at the Brookings Institution and the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability will host an event exploring the roadblocks and tradeoffs that policymakers need to confront in order to create a resilient and clean electricity grid. Even as the federal permitting process has become more efficient, the fragmented governance of the grid has …

DOE announces its first National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors

DOE announces its first National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors

In a continued effort to expedite the build out of a resilient and reliable electric grid, today the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released a preliminary list of 10 potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs) to accelerate the development of transmission projects in areas that present an urgent need for expanded transmission.

[Yale Climate] US Climate Opinon Factsheet Map Tool Updated

[Yale Climate] US Climate Opinon Factsheet Map Tool Updated

The factsheets include 22 key measures of public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy support, and behavior for each of the 50 states, 271 congressional districts*, and 3,142 counties.

The online tool allows you to tailor-make your own factsheet in English or Spanish by selecting the geographic location and the specific measures you’re interested in.

Biden Administration Moves to Speed Up Permits for Clean Energy

Biden Administration Moves to Speed Up Permits for Clean Energy

The rules announced Tuesday could help to more quickly carry out Mr. Biden’s signature climate law, the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. Analysts say it could be difficult to fully realize the benefits of the law if, say, the construction of transmission lines needed for renewable energy or electric vehicle charging stations is bogged down in the permitting process.

Brown Wooden Gavel on Brown Wooden Table

Energy Transmission Project Enjoined Again

The Cardinal-Hickory transmission line exemplifies the litigation doom loop. After completing the strictest, most comprehensive form of environmental review between 2016 and 2020, the line was approved jointly by four federal agencies. But a judge enjoined the approval. Now, after a new plan was devised that would increase land for conservation, the project has again been enjoined.

Another Unlock for IRA Success:  Immigration Reform?

Another Unlock for IRA Success: Immigration Reform?

Our labor market is tighter than a rotten clam shell, companies in the clean energy sector are already struggling to hire workers, and we’re looking at a job market that, according to the Political Economy Research Institute, could grow to 9 million by the end of the decade.

In short, we won’t be able to unlock the full might of the IRA’s investment capital without the complementary labor capital to build it.

Energy Dept. Aims to Speed Up Permits for Power Lines

Energy Dept. Aims to Speed Up Permits for Power Lines

The Biden administration on Thursday finalized a rule meant to speed up federal permits for major transmission lines, part of a broader push to expand America’s electric grids. Building new lines can take a decade or more because of permitting delays and local opposition.

The Energy Department is trying to use the limited tools at its disposal to pour roughly $20 billion into grid upgrades and to streamline approvals for new lines. But experts say a rapid, large-scale grid expansion may ultimately depend on Congress.