School Busses Start to Electrify
Of the approximately 480,000 school busses in the US, 1,164 are electric. The Infrastructure bill (aka The American Jobs Plan) has $20b to convert the first 100,000 busses to EVs.
Of the approximately 480,000 school busses in the US, 1,164 are electric. The Infrastructure bill (aka The American Jobs Plan) has $20b to convert the first 100,000 busses to EVs.
CCL Nevada has all hands on deck pressing our Senior Senator to lead the fight to get carbon pricing into the Reconciliation Bill.
August was an incredibly prolific month for the Media team from Nevada CCL. Here are the results:
CCLers in Nevada got some important help recently from active CCL volunteers from the “Third Coast” (TX, LA, MS).
Raising animals for protein creates a LOT of GHGs. “Meatless burgers” from plant-based (or cultured-cell) alternatives exist. These new startups take the ideas further.
This powerful Scientific American Opinion piece deserves max social media love. Please copy the link and share on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or other feed.
Global GHG emissions from ocean shipping exceed those from ALL US coal plants! Maersk, the world’s largest carrier, just ordered 8 new, “clean” ships.
The new technologies we need will come from R&D and venture-capital funding to create prototypes and “proof of concept” demonstrations. This proposed federal program will support the next stage of financing.
Study shows that GHGs from making “blue hydrogen” (made from methane) is more than just burning the methane. “Green hydrogen” (from solar-powered electrolysis of water) is clean, but still too expensive.
Have a friend confused about different policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Here’s a great primer.
The water from the Colorado River is now so low on an annual basis that rationing is required. First, Arizona farmers are cut back. Will Las Vegas be next?
The IPCC was created in 1988, blessed by the Reagan Administration, and designed with approvals, checks and balances that induce a conservative bias, The New Yorker.