Massive shift away from Coal, 2018 – present
See how electricity generation souces changed over the past 10 years, coal suddenly down, renewables up, nuclear hurt post-Fukashima.
See how electricity generation souces changed over the past 10 years, coal suddenly down, renewables up, nuclear hurt post-Fukashima.
The Director of National Intelligence warned that “climate change will increasingly exacerbate risks to U.S. national security interests.”
Summary of contracts between Big Oil and the leading PR firms and what they do for their clients.
The company pledged to be carbon negative by 2030, removing all GHGs it emitted since its founding in 1975 before 2050. BUT it has ties to anti-climate trade associations, donates to obstructing politicians & contracts with fossil firms.
As carriers price in climate risk, watch what happens — from coal to coastal condos; follow the money. Imagine how much faster this will occur if the carbon fee and dividend passed.
These “hard to abate” sectors are transforming to low- and no-carbon outputs. (Imagine how much faster, better, bigger and cheaper it would be with carbon fee and dividend.)
The States cut back once in 2019, but they needed to cut back even further in 2021 to keep Lake Mead from falling to dangerously low levels.
Want to know specifics about what’s in the law? Check out this CCL cheat sheet.
Aviation, a “hard to abate” sector, has some promising, new, green-energy technologies. Here’s a good summary of the latest hydrogen-based advances.
Videos from The November 13-14 online conference
A powerful letter from Dr. Hansen: “The eyes of history may see 2021 as a turning point for human-made climate change. Hyperbole? Maybe not.”
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