How a recent revision of climate models show how to avert doom
We can reduce global temperatures faster than we once thought — if we act now.
We can reduce global temperatures faster than we once thought — if we act now.
Passive homes adhere to a set of design principles that can slash energy consumption by 75%
Social media is a headwind for building political will for effective climate change solutions; but the public is increasingly alarmed anyway.
Worsening heat and dryness could lead to a 50 percent rise in off-the-charts fires, according to a United Nations report.
“NSMA House of Delegates passed this resolution to ‘indicate organizational support for federal carbon pricing legislation that is bipartisan.”
Lithium-sulfur batteries promises a 5-fold increase in energy density over lithium-ion batteries.
More precise measurements indicate that the increase will happen “no matter what we do about emissions.”
A group of eight business schools has come together to collaborate and forge a community of responsible and educated business leaders.
Fueled by climate change, the drought that started in 2000 is now the driest two decades since 800 A.D.
As global methane concentrations soar over 1,900 parts per billion, some researchers fear that global warming itself is behind the rapid rise.
“I’ve always loved the Winter Olympics due to the amazing scenery. Like a giant slide with fake snow next to a nuclear reactor.”
(The 2022 Winter Olympics mark the first time the Games are using entirely artificial snow.)
A study in Nature Climate Change concluded dividends do not increase the popularity of a carbon price. Why? Implementation in the countries studied didn’t highlight the dividend adequately.