Author: Admin

Carbon Removal machine

Is “Carbon Removal” tech viable yet?

Note: We know that getting to net zero GHG emissions by 2050 requires transitioning the grid to 100% clean energy and then electrifying everything else: EVs for transport; heat pumps for building HVAC; etc. Hard-to-abate sectors (like air travel!!) will still create GHGs. Trees, oceans and other “carbon sinks” will remove some CO2 naturally. Can tech remove more? Here’s a state-of-the-art summary.

CCL applauds inclusion of Growing Climate Solutions Act in omnibus

CCL applauds inclusion of Growing Climate Solutions Act in omnibus

CCLapplauds the inclusion of the Growing Climate Solutions Act in the omnibus spending bill expected to be passed this week. The legislation would help all farmers and foresters to access verified carbon credit markets and get paid for using climate-friendly practices that sequester carbon.