Author: Admin

The surprising key to a clean energy future

The surprising key to a clean energy future

By Bill Gates

My first job, in high school, was writing software for the entity that controls the power grid in the Northwest … something many people never thought about back then.

That’s no longer the case. Extreme weather events have made people aware of power grids—and how they can fail….
We need to upgrade our grid, build more high-voltage transmission lines [,,,]

New York’s governor has proposed a gas appliance ban, but major obstacles remain

New York’s governor has proposed a gas appliance ban, but major obstacles remain

Environmentalists rejoiced when New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) endorsed banning fossil fuel appliances in new buildings. But the Democratic leader of the state Assembly is noncommittal, and the measure is also facing resistance from developers, who say it could raise construction costs and hurt property values.

The gas industry is under fire. It’s hiring Democratic politicians to help.

The gas industry is under fire. It’s hiring Democratic politicians to help.

Gas companies have enlisted prominent Democrats to convince liberal voters that the fuel is climate-friendly, documents show. …What she didn’t mention, however, is that the nonprofit group was created by a half-dozen gas companies, with the explicit goal of convincing Democratic voters that gas is a “clean” energy source.

Permitting: America’s next big climate conundrum 

Permitting: America’s next big climate conundrum 

The vast majority of newly-installed and planned energy projects in the U.S. consist of clean energy – solar and wind farms. But clean energy projects are getting stuck in “interconnection queues,” and some clean energy projects have been canceled owing to lengthy delays. Factors like an onerous permitting process could dramatically hamper America’s clean energy rollout and thus its ability to cut pollution fast enough to meet the country’s Paris commitments.