Author: Admin

Why The World Must Set a Price on Carbon

Why The World Must Set a Price on Carbon

To move beyond the woefully inadequate level of climate action since the 2015 Paris Accords, the world must put a global price on carbon. In one stroke, this would recalibrate consumer demand, set the market in motion, reduce emissions, and spur innovation. In the immortal words of legendary investor Charlie Munger: “Show me the incentive, and I’ll show you the outcome.”

Suddenly, US electricity demand is spiking. Can the grid keep up?

Suddenly, US electricity demand is spiking. Can the grid keep up?

For the past two decades, demand for electricity across the United States has hardly increased. But those dynamics have dramatically reversed — and U.S. electric utilities, regulators and power grid planners aren’t prepared to deal with this new, surging electricity demand, especially the need for new transmission infrastructure.

Property Values Fall When Nearby Wind Projects Start, Then Recover

Property Values Fall When Nearby Wind Projects Start, Then Recover

A new paper finds that properties within a mile of a proposed wind farm see an average decrease of 11 percent when a project is announced and constructed, compared to properties located three to five miles away. But the difference returns to zero within a few years such that properties within a mile of a project have values that are indistinguishable from those three to five miles away.

High tension, long distance electricity transmission lines

House Democrats introduce clean energy permitting and transmission legislation

Editor’s Note: CCL’s Research Coordinator, Dana Nuccitelli, posted CCL’s take on this legislation in this blog post, which I recommend you read.  He links to a) his outline the key elements of the 210-page bill and b) the Bill’s co-sponsors’ section-by-section description of what’s in the bill.  Dana’s post on Community also addesses the politics involved, as well as CCL’s position..

UK to levy a border carbon adjustment on imports by 2027

UK to levy a border carbon adjustment on imports by 2027

Britain’s CBAM levies will apply to imports from high-carbon and hard-to-abate sectors including steel and aluminium, cement and ceramics. Additional products may be added to the scope of the CBAM following additional consultations in 2024. The Treasury is set to apply the levy on a sliding scale. Charges applied will depend on the greenhouse gas …

The Morality of Having Kids in a Magical, Maybe Simulated World

The Morality of Having Kids in a Magical, Maybe Simulated World

Climate change is a very real challenge with very real negative impacts. But it is solvable, and by solving it, we unlock the next phase of civilization’s growth. Human history is the history of unlocking new energy sources to fuel new stages of civilization. If you squint, human history looks like a big, long game called ENERGY.

Electrified roads could be the tipping point for EV adoption

Electrified roads could be the tipping point for EV adoption

Detroit’s new roadway is a big step toward a fully electric future. Last week, Detroit became the first American city to install an electrified roadway. While that might sound like something you would definitely not want to drive on, it’s actually a big step toward widespread EV adoption:

Fan Dies at Taylor Swift Concert in Rio’s Extreme Heat

Fan Dies at Taylor Swift Concert in Rio’s Extreme Heat

One fan died and many others fainted at Taylor Swift’s concert on Friday in Rio de Janeiro, where temperatures felt like nearly 140 degrees Fahrenheit, a record for the city, and fans said they struggled to get water. Hours before she was set to take the stage on Saturday night, Ms. Swift announced on social media that the show was being postponed because of the extreme temperatures in Rio.

Join CCL Briefing on Fifth National Climate Report, Dec. 12th

Join CCL Briefing on Fifth National Climate Report, Dec. 12th

The Fifth National Climate Assessment (a report mandated by Congress every 4 years) was released on November 14th. Join CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli for a training that will discuss this latest report at 5 pm Pacific, Dec. 14th, on this Zoom.

Click here to RSVP for a day-of reminder and to dd to your calendar.

Opening Keynote at November National Conference

Opening Keynote at November National Conference

Climate policy has come a long way over the last year! Join Dana Nuccitelli, CCL Research Coordinator, as he shares the latest updates on federal climate legislation and how it paves the way to lower carbon emissions, record clean energy investment, good jobs, and improved infrastructure. Learn how spreading this good climate news is key to our advocacy and outreach.