Report Shows Americans Are Ready for More Climate Activism
Political Actions to Limit Global Warming
About half of Americans (52%) say they would sign a petition about global warming. Three in ten or more say they would donate money (33%) or volunteer time (31%) to an organization working on global warming. One in four or more say they would write or phone government officials (28%), or meet with an elected official or their staff (25%), about global warming. Finally, about one in four (26%) would support an organization engaging in non-violent civil disobedience against corporate or government activities that make global warming worse, and 14% would personally engage in such non-violent civil disobedience.
But relatively few Americans say they have actually engaged in political action to reduce global warming in the last year, including signing a petition (15%), donating money to an organization working on the issue (13%), or volunteering for such an organization (6%). This indicates that
there is considerable potential to grow the climate movement.
The report includes many more important results, including Americans’ collective and political actions to limit and prepare for global warming in their own communities.