July CCL Call: The Ray Crushes The Preso!

Editor’s Note: Each month, we plan to post the video from the National CCL Call, including your Editors’ commentary and description of the content.  Those of you who can’t join the live meeting every “second Saturday at 10:00 AM” won’t want to miss out.

Today’s national zoom call with Citizens’ Climate Lobby had a presentation that will likely be of interest and value to all of you.

The speaker was Allie Kelly, Executive Director of The Ray, an NGO dedicated to public-private partnerships for “regenerative transportation.”

The Ray has created a “living highway test bed” to demonstrate ways to capture solar and wind energy and charge electric vehicles by using the rights-of-way along highways.

By building a solar farm on empty and underutilized land around exit 14 on I-85 between the highway and the on- and off-ramps, The Ray has commercialized barren land. The solar farm generates 1 megawatt of DC generating capacity on 4 acres of land using 2600 solar panels. Developing solar farms along roadways also takes pressure off of building solar farms on environmentally sensitive land.

Beyond just proof-of-concept, she’s working with Iowa, Texas, Georgia and other states to show scalability, economic feasibility, political acceptance and collateral benefits like preserving soils and viewscapes.

Ms. Kelley also gave a quick report of a technology that uses wires buried in the pavement to wirelessly recharge the on-board batteries in long-haul trucks!  This could make heavy duty EV trucks feasible.

She’s an impressive and deeply informative presenter — lots of great ideas, concisely shared.

Two big thumbs up from your Editors!

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