What Does The PUC Have To Do With It?

Dave Roberts, on yesterday’s Volts podcast, interviewed Charles Hua, who is launching Powerlines.org, an advocacy organization dedicated to  help modernize state-level PUCs.   For anyone interested in PUC structural reform, the podcast is a good overview of the issues, and group in Reno is looking at reforms at our state PUC.

For those with limited time, you may find the transcript a bit more useful, or this AI-outline of the transcript:  Volts – Powerlines Transcript Outline

In Nevada, the Nevada Public Utilities Commission (NPUC) is the critical regulator.  Reno/Sparks CCLer, Brian Thornton, is very interested in encouraging the NPUC to move from “cost of service” regulation (“COS”) to “performance-based” regulation (“PBR”).   It’s a complex issue, but basically changes the way Nevada Energy (“NVE”) and Southwest Gas are compensated.  COS sets rates based on the capital expenditures they make; PBR sets rates on achieving other goals … performance goals.   As you might imagine, COS incentivizes investment in infrastructure, and PBR incentivizes operational efficiency.   If you are interested in participating, contact Brian at this email.

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