About the Money: A New Feature on CCLNV.org

Editor’s Note: “About the Money” is a new feature or series of reports that will appear on CCLNV.org.  It will report on the intersection of new technologies (which are “early” and therefore still expensive compared to fossil fuel alternatives).  It may also highlight public policies intended to shepard the new technologies across the “Valley of [Financing] Death” to a point where innovations and economies of scale can make them cost-competitive with fossil-fuel-based alternatives.

Here are some stories from RTO Insider, an industry newsletter serving officers of utilities, regulators, regional transmission planners and others:

Offshore Wind Projected to Save New Englanders $630M per Year
Jun 4, 2024

Empire, Sunrise Wind Back Under Contract in NY
Jun 4, 2024

$1B Committed so far to Floating Offshore Wind Shot
Jun 3, 2024

NIA: Cost, Risk Sharing Needed to Grow Advanced Nuclear Pipeline
Jun 4, 2024

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