A “Grand Bargain” in 2025? A Bipartisan path to Carbon Pricing

Editor’s Note:  Two think tanks sponsored a bipartisan panel discussion about next year, when both parties face the expiration of the Trump tax cuts and want to fix a) major structural deficits and b) climate change.  Attached is the YouTube video of the one-hour webinar, as well as a transcript and an accurate summary generated by AI.

Transcript, Summary and Recording of the Webinar

Original Invitation for June 4th Webinar

Please join the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) and the Pricing Carbon Initiative (PCI) for Opportunity and Costs: A potential bipartisan pathway for pricing carbon in 2025, a webinar on how the expiration of the Trump tax cuts has reignited conversation on whether revenues from a carbon price could help address deficit concerns. Justin Worland, senior correspondent for TIME Magazine, will moderate a conversation with Maya MacGuineas, the president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, and Alex Flint, executive director of the Alliance for Market Solutions, on how their fiscal concerns led them to be supportive of a price on carbon.

Following that, Alden Meyer, senior associate at E3G, will moderate a panel conversation with George Behrakis, president of Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends and Robert Shapiro, director of economic research & analysis at Sonecon.

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