Uranium Seawater Extraction Makes Nuclear Power Completely Renewable

There’s enough uranium dissolved in the oceans to power the world for 100,000 years and more.  The challenge is that’s it’s very dilute:  Just 0.003 ppm … that’s 3.3 parts per billion, which is like a single grain of salt in a liter of water.

Scientists envision anchoring hundreds of lengths of U-extracting fibers in the sea for a month or so
until they fill with uranium. Then a wireless signal would release them to float to the surface where
the uranium could be recovered and the fibers reused. It doesn’t matter where in the world the fibers
are floating. Source: Andy Sproles at ORNL

The good news is that there’s a known chemical reaction and method for capturing it, albeit at a cost ($200/kg) about twice that of getting if from mining uranium ore on land.  Japan, the USA and China are all developing better technologies which hopefully will mean lower costs, better yields, more re-usability.

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